Congratulations, Dipika Kakar for the big win! TV actress Dipika Kakar was declared the winner of Bigg Boss 12 by Salman Khan on the grand finale of the show on Sunday night. Ahead of the big announcement, Dipika Kakar and Sreesanth , whose bonding on the show made headlines, found themselves as the top finalists on the show. While Dipika Kakar celebrated her big win with the Bigg Boss 12 trophy and the prize money of R s. 30 lakh, Sreesanth turned out to be the runner up of the show. Apart from Dipika and Sreesanth, Romil Chaudhary, Karanvir Bohra and Deepak Thakur were also formed the top five list of finalists. In an interesting twist on the grand finale of Bigg Boss 12 , the top three contestants - Dipika, Sreesanth and Deepak - were given the chance to leave the finale with a chunk of the prize money ( R s. 20 lakh) and Deepak was the one to go home with it. Please click here... htt...
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