

Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript.   Stands for "Hypertext Markup  Language ."   HTML   is the   language   used to create webpages. "Hypertext" refers to the hyperlinks that an   HTML   page may contain. "Markup   language " refers to the way tags are used to define the page layout and elements within the page. Short for HyperText Markup Language, the authoring language  used   to create documents on the World Wide Web.   HTML   is similar to SGML, although it is not a strict subset.   HTML   defines the structure and layout of a Web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. Read at more...

What's your best childhood memory?

• I'd put my arms inside my shirt and told people that I lost my arms • Would restart the video game whenever I knew I was going to lose • Had that one pen with four colors, and tried to push all the buttons at once • Waited behind a door to scare someone, then leaving because they're taking too long to come out. • Faked being asleep, so I could be carried to bed. • Used to think that the moon followed our car • Tried to balance the switch between On/Off • Watching two drops of rain roll down the window and pretending it was a race • The only thing I had to take care of was a school bag. • Swallowed a fruit seed I was scared to death that a tree was going to grow in my tummy. • Closed the fridge extremely slowly to see when the lights went off. READ AT MORE:

Music effects on human body

Music is an art, entertainment , pleasure, meditation, and medicine for the soul and the body. All the cultures and people have universal responses to it. It’s no secret music has a serious impact on a person’s brain activity — whether that’s how it engages different parts of the brain, how humans memorize tunes and lyrics or how different types of melodies and rhythms can elicit different emotional responses. It’s even been reported that ambient noise, played at a moderate volume, can encourage creativity and that listening to music can help repair brain damage. Music is intrinsic to all cultures and has surprising benefits not only for learning the language, improving memory and focusing attention but also for physical coordination and development. Not all types of music have favorable effects, however. Too loud or too jarring music can be distracting and can compete for our attention with what we’re trying to do. According to some studies, music learning can encourage the de...

Domestic violence

domestic abuse is a violation of basic human rights and its prevalence in pockets of the country is disconcerting – no woman should have to go through that kind of pain or suffering. However, the good news is that many people are ready to help and are working tirelessly to bring about change. Here’s a curated list of some great resources for those seeking help – Domestic violence is not physical violence alone. Domestic violence is any behavior the purpose of which is to gain power and control over a spouse, partner, girl/boyfriend or intimate family member. Abuse is a learned behavior; it is not caused by anger, mental problems, drugs or alcohol, or other common excuses. When the general public thinks about domestic violence, they usually think in terms of physical assault that results in visible injuries to the victim. This is only one type of abuse. There are several categories of abusive behavior, each of which has its own devastating consequences . Lethality involved wit...

Body needs to Water...

Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water. Your body loses fluids when you engage in vigorous exercise, sweat in high heat, or come down with a fever or contract an illness that causes vomiting or diarrhea. If you're losing fluids for any of these reasons, it's important to increase your fluid intake so that you can restore your body's natural hydration levels. Your doctor may also recommend that you drink more fluids to help treat other health conditions, like bladder infections and urinary tract stones. If you're pregnant or nursing, you may want to consult with your physician about your fluid intake because your body will be using more fluids than usual, especially if you're breastfeeding. There's no hard ...

Summer Vacations

Summer vacation  (also called  summer  holiday or  summer break ) is a school holiday in  summer  between school years and the  break  in the school academic year. Students and teaching staff are typically off between eight and nine weeks, depending on the country and district. Summer vacation (also called summer holiday or summer break) is a school holiday in summer between school years and the break in the school academic year. Students and teaching staff are typically off between eight and nine weeks, depending on the country and district. In the United States, summer break is approximately 2.5 to 3 months, with students typically getting out of school between late-May and mid-June and starting the new school year between mid-August and early-September. In the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Lebanon, Romania and Russia, the summer break is normally three months, compared to six to eight weeks in Australia, the Un...

Writing Style.

In literature, the writing style is the manner of expressing thought in language characteristic of an individual, period, school, or nation. Thus, style is a term that may refer, at one and the same time, to both conventions that go beyond the individual  writer and to singular aspects of individual writing. In literature, the writing style is the manner of expressing thought in language characteristic of an individual, period, school, or nation.Thus, style is a term that may refer, at one and the same time, to both conventions that go beyond the individual writer and to singular aspects of individual writing. Beyond the essential elements of spelling, grammar, and punctuation, the writing style is the choice of words, sentence structure, and paragraph structure used to convey the meaning effectively. The former are referred to as rules, elements, essentials, mechanics, or handbook; the latter are referred to as style or rhetoric. The rules...